WICI is pleased to share with you the first Negotiator Brief on Climate Change and Cognition – a new series from WICI Affiliate Researcher, Dr. Manjana Milkoreit, co-sponsored by WICI and the Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives (WSSI) at Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability (GIOS).

This new series (the CCC Briefs) integrates research in cognitive science and international relations with the aim to support various stakeholders in the global climate change negotiations in their efforts to effectively navigate their complex political and negotiation environment.

The CCC Briefs are the result of a research project that Dr. Milkoreit was involved with for her PhD in Global Governance at the University of Waterloo. The series is tailored primarily towards the needs and challenges of participants in the global climate change negotiations – diplomats, climate policy experts, members of the UNFCCC Secretariat, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and climate scientists. We hope you find them stimulating, and invite you to be in touch with feedback and questions at any time. The research project continues, and will greatly benefit from your active engagement.

This CCC Brief No. 1 introduces the series and lays out what you can expect and will learn from these documents over the coming months. CCC Brief No. 2  will be later this week. Each publication can be found on the CCC Briefs page of the WICI website.

Please direct all feedback to Dr. Manjana Milkoreit:

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