Babin_photoRobert Babin is working towards an MA in the University of Waterloo’s School of Planning. After completing a BES in Planning, he continued at the school to work on a large agent-based modeling project to simulate development in Waterloo Region. Within this project he is using spatial econometric techniques to estimate heterogeneous home buyer preferences for urban amenities. Understanding the complex interactions in residential location decisions between public and private open space, transit, and home buyer demographics is a key component of his work. This research will add an important element to consider for both municipalities, as they work towards the equitable provision of public amenities, as well as the development community, who seek to create and market housing that caters to residents’ preferences.

Robert is an active student member of OPPI (Ontario Professional Planners Institute), CIP (Canadian Institute of Planners), and ULI (Urban Land Institute).

CV - Robert Babin






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